
Wavelab 10 elements
Wavelab 10 elements

When we ran WaveLab Elements 10 through its paces here at Sweetwater, we were blown away by its new undo/redo history system - it’s a true lifesaver. One of the best undo/redo history systems on the planet You can also undock WaveLab Elements 10’s video window and resize it. And if the video’s sample rate doesn’t match your montage, creating a resampled copy is a breeze. Importing videos is a snap - just drag and drop. Using the same high-quality video engine as Cubase and Nuendo, WaveLab Elements 10 enables you to arrange, edit, and process the audio of a video, right from your Audio Montage.

wavelab 10 elements

If you work with video, you’ll appreciate WaveLab Elements 10, thanks to its native video playback support. Video playback using Cubase and Nuendo’s video engine Xylophones, Glockenspiels & Keyboard Percussion.Cabled & Bluetooth/Wireless Controllers.Portable Recording & Hand Held Recorders.Busker / Portable / Battery Powered Amps.

Wavelab 10 elements